Shame on Walker for playing politics

Letter to the Editor of the McDowell News

Thursday, September 14, 2023

This is in response to your article published on Sept. 2, 2023 titled: “McDowell Commissioners look as county’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities”

Shame on David Walker, McDowell County commissioner, for playing politics with the future of McDowell County. At a planning meeting he stated: “The policies of the Biden administration are a threat to McDowell.” Mr. Walker seems more interested in growing division within our community than actually planning for the future of McDowell County.

For the record, under the Biden administration the great state of North Carolina and all 100 counties have greatly benefitted from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. As of May, North Carolina is set to receive nearly $5 billion in federal funding as part of the policies of the Biden administration.

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is providing investments to states and counties for projects focused on transportation, clean water and high-speed broadband and all of these are important to the future of McDowell County. These investments are happening because of the leadership provided by the Biden administration and the elected officials who voted in support of this new law. I agree with Anderson Clayton, North Carolina Democratic Party chair, when she declared, “Joe Biden is the first president in 50 years that said if you live in a rural area you deserve to have a future. It is a mindset shift of no matter where you live, you deserve to have the best of everything because that is what humanity calls for.” Our elected officials represent all members of the community regardless of our political affiliation and to use a public meeting and public office as a platform to grow division within our community is completely unacceptable.

Michelle Price



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