Swofford Wins Prestigious Award

Cheryl Swofford of Marion has won the Liston B. Ramsey Volunteer of the Year Award presented by the McDowell County Democratic Party.

The Liston B. Ramsey Volunteer of the Year Award is given for outstanding contributions to upholding the values and works of the Democratic Party. Cheryl says, "It is good to be a part of a group that is devoted to making a better community, country, and world. A group whose mission statement includes helping people have affordable housing, healthcare, education, jobs, and internet access. A group that respects diverse races, religions, and sexuality—and strives for equality. A group that works for a better, safer, healthier community, country, and planet.  My volunteer work for the McDowell Dems is a labor of love—except it doesn’t seem like work. I enjoy meeting the many good Democrats, talking with them, and working with them for the greater good."

McDowell County Party Chair Marty Elliott recommended Swofford for the award in early August. The award was presented at the NC11 Democratic Party Gala on Saturday, August 19 in Asheville.


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