Redistricting Gerrymander in North Carolina: A Threat to Democracy

Dear Editor,

I'm deeply concerned about the redistricting gerrymander in North Carolina. The recent closed-door redrawing of district maps undermines transparency and fairness in our democracy.

These new maps manipulate districts to favor one party, resulting in skewed representation. The once slightly imbalanced 60/40 split has transformed into a frightfully imbalanced 80/20 split, further polarizing our state. This intentional effort to create less competitive districts undermines the essence of a democratic government.

Gerrymandering's consequences are detrimental to our democracy. Primaries decide elections, empowering extreme voters and leaving representatives beholden to a narrow base rather than all citizens' needs and perspectives.

Gerrymandering makes accountability optional, alienates citizens, and subverts the fundamental idea of place. It erodes democratic values, regardless of the responsible party. Noncompetitive districts produce unaccountable legislators.

Disillusionment among voters grows, leading to disengagement from the political process. Gerrymandering exacerbates citizens' disconnection from governance, overshadowed by national party affiliations.

Moreover, gerrymandering weakens the ability of local geography to unite people. Gerrymandered maps disregard natural connections within districts, undermining shared identities and community building.

In conclusion, the redistricting gerrymander in North Carolina threatens our democracy. It undermines transparency, accountability, and the integrity of our representative system. We must reject politicians who steal our rights and advocate for fair and impartial redistricting processes that reflect the will of the people. Our democracy and North Carolina deserve nothing less.

Marty Elliott


Preserving Transparency and Accountability: Protecting NC Public Records


I implore our county commissioners to sign the upcoming Equity Statement