Minutes of July 25th Monthly Meeting

Chair Michelle Price convened a meeting of the McDowell Democratic Party at 6:30 pm on July 25 at the Marion Community Building, immediately following the first annual “Day of Listening while eating a hot dog” celebration.

The program was a presentation by two McDowell County “election heros”, Ellen O’Connor and Elizabeth House, who spoke on their experiences serving as election judges. They described the training election workers are given, the duties of an election judge, and recounted their experiences with the Board of Elections and with voters. Elizabeth Gibbs then spoke about the system of election observers maintained by both parties whereby problems at polling places might be identified, documented and properly reported. Hugh Franklin spoke about the get out the vote effort and encouraged all to volunteer as much as available to increase Democratic turnout.

Chair Michele announced that the party has secured a headquarters, to be known as the Democratic Community Center located in the former Foam and Fabrics building on Logan Street. Over the next week the party will be arranging for volunteers to manage and staff the DCC, and plan for a diverse and fully inclusive schedule of activities.

She also referred to the activity on August 2 at National Night Out, and to plans for a Labor Day Weekend afternoon at Camp Grier

After closing comments and reminders by Michelle and Elizabeth the meeting was adjourned at 7:25. 

Respectfully submitted,

Hugh Franklin


Hugh Franklin



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