Candidate Forum An Overwhelming Success

Robert Cordle, NC House District 85, Billy Martin, NC Senate District 46,
Phillip Price, McDowell County Commissioner, Jasmine Beach-Ferrara, US House Congressional District NC-11.

August 22, 2022
By Michelle Price

The McDowell County Democratic Party hosted its monthly meeting Monday, August 22 at the Marion Community Building.  August’s meeting served as a Candidate Forum and the following Democratic Candidates participated: Jasmine Beach-Ferrara for US House of Representatives NC11, Billy Martin for NC Senate District 46, Robert Cordle for NC House District 85 and Phillip Price for McDowell County Commissioner.  The candidates addressed a crowded room and answered questions from the audience.  Participates were pleased to have the opportunity to get to know more about the candidates that are standing up to represent them and to ask questions about their priority issues. 

Jasmine Beach-Ferarra discussed her background and why she decided to stand up for the people of the 11th Congressional District.  Beach-Ferarra shared with all that she is a preacher and a politician; however, now is the time to listen to the people. “Since we started this race, I’ve knocked doors in every county in our district and I’ve done a lot of listening.  And folks have a lot to say.  I spoke with a woman in Clay County, who had livedin that house her whole life, and had never had a candidate knock on her door.  She talked about the need for rural broadband for her husband to get treatment from the VA without having to drive on mountain roads for 90 minutes. I’ve spoken to a mother and father whose son was in the grips of opioid addiction, who were holding onto hope that he could get the care and support he needed to pull through. These aren’t Republican or Democratic issues – these are people issues. And we need a Member of Congress who is going to listen, and who is going to show up to help pass laws that will make a difference in our lives. That’s why I am running.  Because we deserve better than the extremism of Mark Meadows, Madison Cawthron, and now Chuck Edwards.”  

When asked about campaign finance reform, Beach-Ferrara confirmed that we need to overhaul campaign finance laws.  She also mentioned that she has raised over one million dollars more than her opponent Edwards, and that she had done it with grassroots donations averaging $34 per individual and her campaign has not accepted a single cent from Corporate PACS. 

Next up was Billy Martin who discussed how important investments in Public Education and Medicaid Expansion are for our communities. “We can and must do better in NC with regards to Education and Medicaid Expansion.  Our students and teachers deserve more support from our General Assembly and the continued suffering and dying as a result of unaffordable healthcare is unacceptable”, Martin proclaimed with a sincere desire to take better care of our people and to invest in their futures. 

Robert Cordle discussed his platform, and expressed concern over what would happen if Governor Cooper lost his veto power. He noted how several Republican sponsored Bills in the general assembly would strip away women’s rights, defund our public schools, and limit voting access. He stated, “Republican law makers claim to care about our children; meanwhile they purposedly gut funding for public education, and pay our educators some of the lowest salaries in the country. North Carolina’s education system used to be the model for the rest of the country to follow, and now teachers have to squabble over the most basic resources. All the while, our state is sitting on a 6 billion dollar surplus. I am all for fiscal responsibility, but this is not it. Republican law makers are holding our tax dollars hostage, and North Carolinians are suffering as a result.”

Several people present highlighted the importance of getting out to vote for Democrats up and down the ballot to ensure we protect NC residents from the extremist ideas that are being forced on the people by our Republican leaders. 

As Ron Sinclair introduced Phillip Price, he spoke to the crowd about the strategy of under voting. “Even though the ballot allows you to pick three candidates for McDowell County Board of Commissioner, if you want change in McDowell County you should only vote for Phillip Price. If you vote for more than one you will actually be voting against Price at the same time.” For the past decade the Republicans have been in control of McDowell County and it is time for a change and a new perspective to be heard. Adding at least one Democrat to our Board of Commissioners brings some diversity and new ideas that will help to ensure all people are heard at the county level.  

Price reviewed a few items from the 2022-23 approved McDowell County Budget, highlighting the fact that the current board members voted collectively to cut McDowell MissionMinistries from the budget. This sends a strong message that they do not support the improvement of people lives affected by homelessness, in need of emergency shelter, housing services, counseling, rehabilitation or crisis assistance.  In addition, amember of the audience highlighted the fact that the current elected County Commissioners refused to sign the “Inclusion statement” presented to them by the Marion Community Forums.  “I am looking forward to serving the people of McDowell County with an open heart, open mind, and open ears to find solutions to problems that will improve people’s lives and move McDowell County forward in the 21st century”, Price announced as he concluded his remarks.

With over 50 residents present, the meeting ended with members of the community individually thanking the candidates for standing up to fight for them and for all members of our community.  As folks exited, they picked up campaign signs to place in their yard and candidate literature to share with their family and friends.  For more information or to get involved with the McDowell County Democratic Party please visit their website



Minutes of July 25th Monthly Meeting