It Is Not Too Late!

Dear Editor,

It is not too late!

I retired from the school system in 2011, and therefore, don't have a great deal of knowledge of how it's working today. Because of social media, it is easy to see there is some angst among my younger peers and members of the community. If constituents are being ignored by some of the current board members and requests to answer reasonable questions by those who are now running are unanswered, there is a problem.

We need board members who stand for public schools, support teachers, represent everyone, communicate and understand divergent views are important to hear. Single issue candidates are not helpful to schools already struggling to fill classrooms with quality teachers and staff .

Not too long ago there was a strong teacher organization that helped elect board members of all political persuasions, whose sole purpose was to develop a strong school system.

Voters should know views of how candidates are going to support our teachers and students and not be chaos agents. The board member's political affiliation shouldn't play a part.

Teachers, it is up to you. You know the struggles you face every day. Ask yourself, which candidate is going to best support the system's core values and beliefs. If you don't know where the candidates stand on the issues, find out. Support those candidates and tell your friends and family. Choose 10 people and let them know. There are just over 400 of you. That's 4,000 votes.

It's not too late!

Chuck Aldridge, Old Fort


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