"If we can keep it"

A dictator is also known by these words: absolute ruler, autocrat, tyrant, despot. Dictators are narcissistic, vengeful and devoid of compassion. They care only about themselves and retaining power. In our nation one man with this severe personality disorder has told us point-blank that he admires the dictators who rule Russia, China, North Korea and other nations. He wants us to join their ranks with himself at the helm. He salivates at the thought of his will becoming the law of the land.

Freedom House is an American nongovernmental, nonpartisan organization which rates each country based on the political rights and civil liberties of its citizens. It labels them Free, Partly Free or Not Free. The countries praised by our would-be dictator are in the Not Free column. We Americans will sink into that category if he becomes president.

The above letter to the editor was written by Gwen Straub on January 10, 2024 and published in the McDowell News.

(In 1817 the Convention approved the form of the Constitution.
A woman asked, "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?”
Benjamin Franklin answered, “
A Republic, If you can keep it.”)

Want to know more about Freedom House? Look here: Freedom


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