Bernie Sanders Plan to win an Election

“When I was first ran for Congress, I asked the people of Vermont to send me to Washington so that I could fight for those people who can’t afford to attend $500-per-person fundraisers like the one my opponent recently held; and who can’t afford to have well-paid lobbyists in Washington protecting their interests. That’s the promise that I made, and that’s the promise that I’ve kept. I asked the people of Vermont to send me to Congress so that I could stand up to a Republican president when he was wrong; to stand up to a Democratically controlled Congress when they were wrong and a Republican controlled Congress when they were wrong. And that’s what I’ve done.

Mostly, I asked the people of Vermont to send me to congress so that I could fight for justice—a concept we don’t hear too much about anymore. To fight for justice for working families and the middle class—80 percent of whom, since 1973, have experienced a decline in their standard of living or, at best, economic stagnation—while at the same time the people on the top have never had it so good … Justice. An economy in which all people do well, not just the very rich. And that’s what I’ve been fighting for.

What this election is about is whether the abundantly wealthy and the Republican Party will have another two years to push through the most reactionary, extremist agenda in the modern history of America—OR WHETHER WE STOP THEM COLD RIGHT NOW AND TELL THEM THAT GREED AND BIGOTRY AND SCAPEGAOTING ARE NOT WHAT AMERICA IS ALL ABOUT. We need a vision that cries out for social justice and the attainment of the true potential that this country can become.

It is vitally important to the future of this country that we prevent the Republican from recapturing the Congress and taking the Senate and White House. This is enormously important. But it is even more important – that we as progressives and as [North Carolinians to create a special vision that will propel us forward with success in our state. We need a vision which says that in this richest of all nations all of our people, and not just the wealthy, should enjoy the fruits of their labor with decent jobs and benefits that allow them to live in dignity. That we cannot continue to have the highest rate of childhood poverty in the world, while the number of millionaires and billionaires continues to increase. A vision which says that every man, woman, and child in this country is entitled to health care as a right of citizenship, and that the United States must join the rest of industrialized world by enacting a national health care system, a single-payer health care system. A vision which says that lifelong quality education is the essence of what being alive is about, and that all of our citizens no matter what their incomes, should be able to receive a higher education.

A vision which says that we respect the struggles that women have been waging for so many year and lost
ground, and that the very personal decision of abortion must be decided by the woman hers —and not men in the United States government. A vision which says that we judge people not by their color, their gender, their sexual orientation, their nation of birth—but by the quality of their character, and that we will never accept sexism, racism or homophobia. A vision which says that there is no conflict between respect for the environment and job growth, and that, in fact, our economy improves when we stop environmental degradation. A vision which says that a society is ultimately judged by how we treat the weakest and most vulnerable among us—the children, the elderly, the sick, and disabled. And that we do not cut back on programs which help the weak and powerless, in order to give tax breaks to the rich and the powerful.”

Melody Pajak says, that if we can get our Democratic candidates for political office in all the various positions including local, state and national positions, they will have a better chance of winning in the elections. If we all work together to spread this information and let all people know that we really care about them and how we will obtain justice all over McDowell County, all over our state, and our country, we will surely win. I suggest that you form groups that will use these ideas and go out and let everyone know that we care about them and we want to save our Democracy. All they have to do is tell others and vote.


106.9 The Light and Filthy Lies


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