106.9 The Light and Filthy Lies

To the Editor,

I am deeply upset with a white male preacher on 106.9 The Light FM who, on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, between 7 and 8 p.m., spewed an outright lie to thousands of listeners. He falsely claimed, “A woman will opt for an abortion one minute before delivery,” and stridently insisted that his listeners base their votes in November on this lie. This petulant and misogynistic rhetoric is not only misleading but dangerous.

The people in the vast listening area of 106.9 depend on this radio station for spiritual guidance and uplifting messages. How can we trust their message of Jesus’ love and “The Way, The Truth, and The Light” if the station’s management partners with preachers who tell such filthy lies?

I am sadly disappointed with one of my favorite radio stations in Western North Carolina.

Susan Elliott


Let’s lean into hope. Those who recognize the humanity and necessity of reproductive freedom outnumber those who don’t.


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