2023 McDowell County Democratic Convention

The McDowell Democratic Party held its 2023 County Convention on Saturday, April 15th at the Marion Community Building. The event began with a roll call of precincts in attendance and a quorum was established. 

The attendees then recited the Pledge of Allegiance, sang the Star Spangled Banner, and observed a minute of silence in remembrance of those slain by unnecessary gun violence. 

Next, there was a reading of the NC Democratic Party Inclusion Statement. 

Newly elected State Democratic Party Chair, Anderson Clayton, welcomed everyone with an inspiring message via YouTube, followed by Governor Roy Cooper and NC Attorney General, Josh Stein. 

Keynote Speaker, Lindsey Prather, NC House Rep for District 115, discussed bills currently passing through the NC Legislature with a focus on how public tax money is being siphoned off to fund private schools with no public accountability. 

Former NC Supreme Court Justice, Jim Ervin gave a fascinating speech about the history of the Democratic Party. 

McDowell Board of Elections Chair, Dean Buff, explained the important job poll workers perform and urged people to volunteer to participate in the election process.

A diverse slate of new officers was elected. Eight resolutions were adopted for referral to the district convention, additionally, a slate of delegates was also elected to go to the district convention next month. 

The McDems newly-adopted Value Proposition was presented before the convention was adjourned. 

The McDowell Democratic Party meets on the 4th Monday of each month, 6-8:00 pm. For details go to mcdems.com.


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