Women United. We stand.

Respectfully submitted, Susan Elliott

Women, your right as an American citizen is to cast a vote during the election. Voting is private and solitary. Only you know how you vote.

You put the well-being of your family and friends paramount to everything in your life. The way you take care of your family and friends is beautiful and beyond reproach. You know what is best for your loved ones. Your guidance shapes them into productive members of society who carry on your values. You are a humanitarian. This is a Democratic value.

You love the United States of America. You are strong and perceptive. Your opinions matter. Your faith is mighty. Your decision-making is based on educating yourself and making an informed course of action. You are an American Patriot. That is a Democratic value.

In your home and business you conserve energy and resources, recycle where you can, strive to be economical with money, and encourage others to do the same. You are a conservative and an environmentalist. These are Democratic values.

You take responsibility for the women and girls in your life. Your guiding wisdom is far greater than anyone else when it comes to nurturing your daughters. This makes your daughters smart and strong. Their decisions about contraception, who to love, who to be, how to worship, and what to place values upon are formed by the wisdom and love you share with them. When your daughter comes to you asking for guidance before she enters into a serious relationship saying, “we don’t have a lot of money, we are going to rent a one-bedroom apartment until we save up, please help me decide the best form of contraception for me so we can have children when we are ready”. You guide her to make her own decision. You have given her the tools to make the best decision for herself. You are compassionate. You teach good judgment, self determination, and self reliance. These are Democratic values.

You take responsibility for the boys in your life by teaching them the values of respect, kindness and gratitude. This makes their way in the world clear and their place in society easy. The values you instill in them come from your heart and your strength. Respect, gratitude and kindness are Democratic values.

The upcoming election will have a generational impact on your descendants. The ideals that you hold dear will be affected by election results. You are able to think past the present and project how your decisions will affect those you love. You want a happy life for your loved ones. This is a Democratic value.

Women being relegated to a secondary position is a fact we are all exposed to. The difference you make in your heart and at the ballot box mean you’ve taken that stand for what’s right. With your vote you’ve given your loved ones a stamp of approval for the autonomy and way of life you know they deserve. You want justice and equality. This is a Democratic value.

From a variety of sources false rhetoric is pushed forward to try to persuade you about what must believe. You are too smart to be believe what is not true and reasonable. You are capable of seeing two sides to an issue, to sift through information and ask questions. You know what is true in your heart. Your truth is a Democratic value.

You are worthy of making your own decisions. You raise your children to stand on their own two feet and make good decisions. Your decision making is a positive example to your family and friends.

Not voting, or being told how to vote by someone who does not respect your best interests, is the way to undervalue yourself and those you love. Please stand up and be counted in the election. Vote for women. Put your family and friends first. You can make the difference in a better way of life for all of our children and grandchildren.

Your loved ones will have a better life when you vote for Democrats.


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