Billy Martin Kicks Off Campaign For NC Senate 46

Billy Martin, the Democratic nominee for N.C. Senate District 46, kicked off his campaign on June 23rd.

Martin, who is also a member of the Marion City Council, spoke to a crowd of more than 50 people at Spillway Bridge & Co. In his speech, he talked about the Republicans who are in charge of the state General Assembly, according to a news release.

“Let’s focus on those tax cuts and the huge surplus of money sitting in Raleigh today,” he said. “For me, that tax cut might mean I will receive an extra $50. But those same tax cuts calculate to thousands and in some cases millions of extra dollars for millionaires, billionaires and huge corporations. The surplus comes from monies received from the American Rescue Plan, defunding mental health and underfunding education just to name a few. They have more money in Raleigh than they know what to do with.

“Republicans boast their way of doing business has led to this huge surplus but at what price? North Carolina has one of the most restrictive and harshest unemployment systems in the nation, money from the American Rescue Plan was available with not a single Republican vote in Congress, people with mental health issues have been sent home to their families effectively exploding our homeless population across the state and let us not forget operating an educational system with the least amount of resources. Our only solution is to vote these people out of office and replace them with people of compassion and true love for our people and country.”

A native of Marion, Martin, 72, graduated from high school and attended Winston-Salem State University, where he received his Bachelor’s Degree. He has a Master’s Degree in secondary school counseling from Western Carolina University and worked for 31 years as a guidance counselor in the public school. He is currently elected as a Marion City Council member and has been for the past 26 years, of which he served as mayor pro tem for four years. He is a very active member of the McDowell County community and he has donated his time to various organizations including McDowell Technical Community College, the West Marion Community Forum, Addie’s Chapel United Methodist Church and the Democratic Party, according to the news release.

“Billy is a loving, caring person,” said his wife Connie. “He gives freely of his time and means to help others. He trusts God and believes that everyone should be treated fairly and given a chance to succeed and thrive. He’s a wonderful husband, father, grandfather, friend and citizen. He loves our mountains and wants what is best for everyone. He will make an excellent N.C. senator.”

District 46 is a new one that resulted from the recent redistricting efforts. The North Carolina General Assembly is required to redraw these districts following each decennial census due to population changes and the need to maintain equal representation. N.C. Senate District 46 includes all of Burke County, McDowell County and the eastern half of Buncombe County, according to the news release.

Martin said he is motivated by comments from Robert Reich of the Bill Clinton administration: “The moral crisis of our age has nothing to do with gay marriage or abortion; it’s about insider trading, obscene CEO pay, wage theft from ordinary workers, Wall Street’s continued gambling addiction, corporate payoffs to friendly politicians and the billionaire takeover of democracy.”

Martin pledged to make himself available to respond to any of your concerns, suggestions or questions. “My intentions are true and righteous,” he said. This is a spiritual journey for me. I’m simply a man who aspires to lift people up rather than hold them down.”

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