McDowell Democratic Convention 2022

Democrats Celebrate First Gathering In Almost Two Years!

By Michelle Price

The McDowell Democratic Party held its hybrid 2022 County Convention on Saturday, March 19 at the Marion Community Building. The crowd in attendance received a report from Julia Buckner the Director of the North Carolina Democratic Party’s new Organizing and Training Team along with vision statements from several candidates that participated in person and via zoom.

With over 50 people participating, McDowell County Democratic Party rejoiced at their first opportunity in a couple of years to greet each other in person as they gathered for their annual convention which was beautifully set up with a variety of daffodils, plants, and American flags.  They began their meeting with a Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, The Star-Spangled Banner, and a Moment of Silence on behalf of Ukraine and in Memory of those we have lost.

Democratic candidates present included Billy Martin, NC Senate District 46; Robert Cordle, NC House District 85; Phillip Price, McDowell County Commission; Katie Dean, US House NC11; and Chrelle Booker, US Senate.  In addition, Jasmine Beach-Ferrara US House NC11 participated via zoom, and Jay Carey, US House NC11 sent a surrogate.

The issues that were highlighted included public education, broadband internet, infrastructure, healthcare, affordable housing, expanding job opportunities, substance abuse/ mental health, decriminalization of cannabis, veterans, inclusion, and environmental needs.  The convention adjourned with county Democrats ready to work together to ensure their neighbors’ needs are met and that everyone has a voice at the table.

The McDowell County Democratic Party welcomes all Democrats and Democratic-leaning individuals registered as unaffiliated voters to participate in their events. For more information send an email to or visit


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