Billy Martin NC Senate District 46 Candidate

We learned after yesterday's election our opponent for the NC State Senate, District 46 will be incumbent, The Honorable Warren Daniel, Republican, from Burke County.

We must combine all our resources to be victorious this November. My only agenda is delivering to the people, ways and means to better the lives of all North Carolinians. From now until and beyond the election in November, I will be doing all I can to show the citizens of District 46 I am the candidate more in tune with the plight of working people.

I pledge to be open and honest in all I say and do. Thomas Sowell puts it like this, " If you want to do something for somebody, tell them the truth. If you want to do something for yourself, tell them what they want to hear.". I am that person who intends to tell you the truth. Healthcare for all, higher teacher pay/retention, Raising the minimum wage, broadband/internet service throughout the State, Improvements to Infrastructure are just the beginning of areas our General Assembly are coming up short in service to the people. 
These areas of concern are not being addressed simply by saying "I'm a Conservative, Christian Conservative, Compassionate Conservative, Pro 2nd Amendment, Pro-Life, Border Wall, Woke Culture, Critical Race Theory and on and on. Way too much attention is being is being given to rhetoric like this. What we are experiencing today amounts to a con job on the people. Doing and saying anything to remain in power to give more tax cuts to those who need it the least while the majority of the people struggle everyday to provide just the essentials for their families. If truth holds to form, what can we expect to come next out of Raleigh? Banning certain books in schools, instituting a merit pay system for our teachers in the midst of a teacher shortage throughout our state are just a couple examples. On a national level, there has been consideration to do away with the Department of Education altogether. The people are being led down a path to nowhere or a place that will produce outcomes not in our best interests.

We can and must do better. Robert Reich of the Clinton Administration once wrote: "The moral crisis of our age has nothing to do with gay marriage or abortion; it's about insider trading, obscene CEO pay, wage theft from ordinary workers, Wall Street's continued gambling addiction, corporate payoffs to friendly politicians and the billionaire takeover of Democracy." 

What difference can Billy Martin make. I'm just a man attempting to do better by our people than what we are currently receiving from our elected officials. The Late Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsberg best describes the servant I aspire to be: "If you want to be a true professional, you will do something outside of yourself. Something to repair tears in your community. Something to make life a little better for people less fortunate than you. That's what I think a meaningful life is - living not for oneself, but for one's community."

I pledge to tell you the truth, I will tell you exactly what's going on in Raleigh, who in Raleigh is genuinely working on behalf of the people, who's self-service themselves, who's standing in the way of progress and the true reasons forward progress is not being made.

Stay tuned. We are just getting started. If we intend to make the needed changes it's going to mean, "all hands on deck." We can do this.

NC-11 June 2022 Message From The Chair


Rusty’s Legacy, Candidates Hold Meet And Greet / Dog Adoption Event