Becoming Involved in Politics

Recently I caught a YouTube interview featuring Kyra Sedgwick (Brenda from “The Closer”) and Kevin Bacon (Ren from “Footloose”) both of whom I like very much.  The subject of the interview was becoming involved in politics.

Both celebrities talked about need to be more politically engaged which hadn’t been a priority.  They felt removed from the process, but they cared about the upcoming election.  Both said that their tendency had been to shrug off their concern and put it on the back burner. 

But then Kyra thought, “This is my country.  If I’m not happy with things as they are, I need to do what I can to change them.”  Kevin had similar feelings, so they found an organization where they participated with others in letter-writing campaigns.  Recipients of these letters were voters in districts where members of Congress were vulnerable to losing their seat. Addresses and even letter texts were provided to persuade voters to consider electing members represented by the party with which the couple affiliated.

Kyra and Kevin found a way to make their voices heard.  We can all start somewhere.  If the least you can do is be informed, do that.  Listen to more than one news outlet and do what you can to verify the reliability of your sources.  Someone writing from their basement with a grudge to air may not be the most enlightened authority.  Does your news source reference the Constitution and fundamentals of the law?

“America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You gotta want it bad…” (from the movie, “The American President”).  So put your shoulder to the wheel!

Jeri Myers

Marion, NC


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